Sunday, October 30, 2011

Momma said there'd be days like this....

So I know it's been a while....a long while. I have been, not only lazy (and busy), but avoiding putting life down on paper. It's not like I think that life has been horrible..that would be a little mellow dramatic- but it hasn't exactly been easy.

So everyone says that the first year of marriage is hard. Hard? Understatement. No, not for the reasons that you may think. David is wonderful (though we all have are days), he is not the source of what makes life hard. It boils down to the thing that makes the world turn- money! My parent's always told me that I would have a rude awakening once the sorority house chefs, fraternity formals, and Omega bills sent to their address all went away. They also told me that they used to eat dinner off of cardboard boxes because they couldn't afford a table (I thought they were exaggerating).  And I knew I had some Ramen Noodle meals headed my way...but I've always been able to make it to happy hour if I pinched pennies. But then the snowballs started rolling...

Two Friday's ago, life handed us a blessing and a curse. My car was totaled (while I was parked and safely out of harms way) by a driver who dropped his phone and found himself bumper to bumper with 3 other cars. Let's do a little "pro, con, pro" if you will... Pro: My car was old and needed replacing. Con: We are trying to make ends meet as it is. Pro: Well, my car needed replacing.

There are many factors that could drive the point home that we did not need this to happen, but then we may get too personal (people are funny about money). However, one other thing happened the week that I was hit. David was hit too. He was sandwiched at a stop sign and we are waiting to hear back if his car is next to be totaled.

Fun fact: In the state of Florida you cannot decide to keep a car and pay for damages (even if out of pocket) if it is deemed totaled by the appraiser.

So here we are, about to have our first anniversary. I have a new car in the driveway, a wonderful husband, and pretty wedding china to eat our home cooked anniversary meal on. The one year anniversary is paper, and luckily I make a pretty mean homemade card ;) One day we will look back and laugh on how we spent our first year....and Lord, I cannot wait until that day. But until then, I am going to be grateful for all the things we DO have.