Sunday, October 30, 2011

Momma said there'd be days like this....

So I know it's been a while....a long while. I have been, not only lazy (and busy), but avoiding putting life down on paper. It's not like I think that life has been horrible..that would be a little mellow dramatic- but it hasn't exactly been easy.

So everyone says that the first year of marriage is hard. Hard? Understatement. No, not for the reasons that you may think. David is wonderful (though we all have are days), he is not the source of what makes life hard. It boils down to the thing that makes the world turn- money! My parent's always told me that I would have a rude awakening once the sorority house chefs, fraternity formals, and Omega bills sent to their address all went away. They also told me that they used to eat dinner off of cardboard boxes because they couldn't afford a table (I thought they were exaggerating).  And I knew I had some Ramen Noodle meals headed my way...but I've always been able to make it to happy hour if I pinched pennies. But then the snowballs started rolling...

Two Friday's ago, life handed us a blessing and a curse. My car was totaled (while I was parked and safely out of harms way) by a driver who dropped his phone and found himself bumper to bumper with 3 other cars. Let's do a little "pro, con, pro" if you will... Pro: My car was old and needed replacing. Con: We are trying to make ends meet as it is. Pro: Well, my car needed replacing.

There are many factors that could drive the point home that we did not need this to happen, but then we may get too personal (people are funny about money). However, one other thing happened the week that I was hit. David was hit too. He was sandwiched at a stop sign and we are waiting to hear back if his car is next to be totaled.

Fun fact: In the state of Florida you cannot decide to keep a car and pay for damages (even if out of pocket) if it is deemed totaled by the appraiser.

So here we are, about to have our first anniversary. I have a new car in the driveway, a wonderful husband, and pretty wedding china to eat our home cooked anniversary meal on. The one year anniversary is paper, and luckily I make a pretty mean homemade card ;) One day we will look back and laugh on how we spent our first year....and Lord, I cannot wait until that day. But until then, I am going to be grateful for all the things we DO have.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"I'm going to have to ask $1 for that..."

I have a confession...or we have a confession, rather. We are garage sale junkies.

It's true and I am not ashamed. In fact, we consider ourselves regulars at certain homes near our neighborhood. One man we have nicknamed "Old Man Rivers" for the mere fact that he is old as Methusalem and he walks around on a cane wheeling and dealing in a southern drawl. He even has a helper that he shouts orders to...though I have never heard his helper speak back. If he weren't right next to one of the biggest roads in Tallahassee, I'd imagine him in an old plantation home near Charleston, South Carolina.

So per our regular Friday night, we peaked into his driveway as we drove by to see if he was going to bless us with his purging-after-a-life-of-hoarding ways. Much to our dismay lately, we have had no such luck... until this past Sunday.

We were getting ready to make a run to Home Depot to pick up our gallon of "Banana Cream" bedroom paint, when I asked if we could stop by and see if our old friend was up to old tricks. We slowed as we neared his house...and....YAHTZEE! Umbrellas set up over tables of whosits and whatsits galore. We just couldn't help ourselves.

We walked away about 20 minutes later (including a run to go get some cash at the nearest Circle K) with a set of fine crystal, 3 lamps, and salt and pepper shakers (we needed those). Total: $13. We needed the lamps, which were the whole point of the venture. The rest were all "want" items.

However, it turns out the crystal was his mother-in-laws and was her "nice" stuff... so he said we'd have to pay $1 for each glass. Fine, we'll give. Google told a different story though. What we really bought was a set of crystal made by an English company that started in 1776...estimate? 50 Euros a glass...

It is true, one man's trash really is another man's treasure. A cheers to you, "Old Man Rivers" (in a crystal glass, of course).

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Toe-tally Busted..

So we were having a great weekend of nothing. You know those weekends? They come few and far between as your are in your mid-twenties because everyone is fighting for time. Whether it is weddings, wedding showers, happy hours, family reunions, family obligations...the list goes on and on...and fills the calendar one weekend after another. Did I mention weddings?

So like I was saying, we had a fantastic weekend of nothing planned. In order to maximize the nothing-ness, we decided to join our friends my the pool and drink a few something-somethings while doing absolutely nothing. I am not one to indulge recently, as previous posts have warned...and I am TRYING to abide by, but yes I was on my 2nd (maybe 3rd beverage) lying in the sun while "the boys" swam. David had insisted we bring the dog because it would "be good for him" and he needs to be socialized.

Well socialize, he did. Gatsby was "socializing" with the other dog at the pool when I felt the need to bring attention to my intrusive canine. I proceeded to do an impression of the dog that Gatsby was "admiring" by backing up on the chair ( and for you dirty minds out there, it was an appropriate motion..yet hard to describe) resulting in the chair crashing down on top on me...and me crashing down on my toe.

All is fun and games until someone gets hurt. I had to be that party-pooper that made everyone go into medic-mode and fetch band aids, Bactene (OUCH), and (yes, I am a little kid) ice cream.

Needless, or maybe needed, to say, I am now limited to peep-toe shoes because of the packing tape around my toe (thankfully, to the nurse in employee health).  I don't need to describe my toe, but let's just say it isn't pretty.

The sad part about the whole situation was not the pain I was in, or the fact that I was injured at all. I was most concerned that my toenail was "gross looking" and that everyone was staring at my body crouched over in a bathing suit...such a girl thought process. Just the thought of the peripheral view has given me painful flashbacks...

And around 7:30 am Monday morning, the question was (from the COO and CNO), "What happened to your toe?"
Response:  "(Insert vague comment for a graceful exit)"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Let Them Eat Cake...

Lately, life has skipped the lemons and has gone straight to handing me a pitcher of lemonade. Or in this situation rather, cake. Who could possibly complain about having so many fantastic things to celebrate, right?


So to start out, it was my birthday (cake). Then I got the new job (cookies & brownies). Then I started the new job (cake, cake, and more cake...the healthcare world really likes cake apparently). David finished his last semester of his AA (pie). Then a friend had a birthday (cupcake and yes, cake). Any apparently the first Friday of every month our department buys treats (cupcakes).

Now my take on this gluttonous behavior has many different angles, and probably to the point of being semi- bipolar. One, cake is a youthful simple of joy and celebration...why not enjoy a sweet memento of your own success? On the other side, I am kind of getting sick of eating cake....But then again, I CAN'T NOT EAT IT! It's like a dang car crash, you just can't stop turning your head. Well, my head keeps turning toward the cake table, and no amount of nutritional information can divert the eye. 

Lastly though, I wouldn't wish NOT eating cake upon anyone. And when I say that, I don't even mean literally eating cake. I mean, why would anyone ever skip out on the opportunity for a celebration? People ask me why I always order champagne when we go for a wine night. Or why David buys me cases of champagne splits instead of beer. My answer is always the same: It's my mini celebration!

The little celebrations are what make life worth living (or make the lemons worth squeezing). I got that from my mother. She believed in celebrating everything...and I have to say that it is the thing that has most made me who I am. So, in honor of Mother's Day, I will celebrate the fact that my mom taught me to enjoy the little victories...probably with some cake.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

W(h)ine Not?

Sometimes a girl needs to whine....or wine. They're really interchangeable if you know my friends (or women, for that matter).

I started my new job last week and my head has been reeling from all the new information. All my life, I have always had an aversion to anything medical..and where do I end up? Working at a hospital. We are talking about the girl who had the urge to turn down the job when she found out that I had to receive shots (and not the kind that come with a salted rim) to work there. MULTIPLE. Luckily, a little call to my pediatrician, and all I had to do was get a simple TB test. Relief...but I swear I'll faint if I'm ever in the ER at the wrong time

I love the job. I have my own office, I get along with the people, and I know that who I recruit will be bettering the qualify of life for so many people. I just don't quite get it yet....

Just when I thought my head was packed, David is studying for finals. 3 in one day, 2 in the other. We have learned enough to fill a a Danielle Steel novel ...well, hopefully we learned more than that.

So needless to say, I needed to blow off some steam. I needed to w(h)ine. That's what good friends are for. Good friends have a 6th sense that gives them the need to w(h)ine at the same time. So half a round of brie, half a carton of hummus, an entire plate of caprese salad, and a bottle of wine've got yourself a successful catharsis.

So moral of the story is, bottoms up ladies! W(h)ine not?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gym, Tan, Laundry....Minus the gym

Okay, so I had all these extravagant plans to work out during my "funemployment," but I've heard that you aren't supposed to work out on vacation. So that is what I did...or rather, did not do.

The good news is that I did hold myself to a (somewhat) good diet. Since I wasn't rushing to eat the closest thing to me in order to get onto the next task, I actually took the time to fix my meals. Who would have thought that when you are doing other things that you enjoy, you forget to eat? I suppose that the problem during the work day was the fact that I was eating to give me pleasure...and since I was finding pleasure in other things, I wasn't driven to eat my happiness.

The nice thing was that I had time to lay out (another reason I wasn't looking to eat a lot) and get some much needed Vitamin D....sunshine :) Time spent with a good friend and the sunshine is seriously addicting. No wonder why people say that they go to college for their "Mrs." degree. Who wouldn't want to be free up to pina coladas with the bffl's at noon and tennis at 2. Or the reverse, whatever floats your boat.

In addition, I had time to do actual "wife- like" things. I took the dog for a walk. I cooked dinner (see previous posting). I did laundry..without waiting a month. I vacuumed. I made the bed everyday.

But most importantly, I reconnected with some friends that I hadn't been able to spend time with. We met for wine and laughed for hours on end,  layed out and gossiped a little too much, and actually got to speak about current happenings...not something that has occurred in the past. Needless to say, two weeks of nothing puts a lot of things in perspective.

My funemployment ended yesterday..and I have been home before 5:30 pm both days. Glorious.

By the way, still no wine tonight (again, see previous posting).

Sunday, April 10, 2011

So long for now....I'll miss you

Tonight I made a resolution. If you know me, the following information will surprise, and may even traumatize you.

I have created the two following rules for myself:
1) I only drink alcohol once a week, with the sole exception of celebratory events.
2) I will only eat carbohydrates with my dinner two nights out of the week.

Now to some, this would be a given, or already a way of life. To others (whom I prefer to surround myself with) would think that these rules are slightly absurd.

Since our wedding in November, I have gained some "fluff." I prefer to call it "happy fat" in order to preserve some optimism about my current situation. However, no matter the framing, I have had a hard time getting into my pants. Dresses have turned into a way of life in order to avoid a constructed waist band.

Now, I know that many can relate to my situation. The first word in the title of this blog is "work" and that is exactly why I have been restricted from gym time. I have been attempting to go the gym early in the morning before work...but trust me, I don't do 5 am and it is better for others if I spare them of that as well. My new job will allow me the freedom to work out after I work. I am going to Zumba my "happy fat" into "happy flat!"

So wine, I do apologize, but so long for now....I really will miss you.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Family Tradition

Tonight we drove to Jacksonville to stay with my in- laws so that we could get to the airport in the morning. As I'm lying here in pain, I'm regretting all the food I inhaled.

Whenever my husband gets around family, he wants to spoil then with his cooking talents. Stick me with a fork sir- because I am surely done!

Tonight we had:
1) Bacon filled burgers covered in;
A. Balsamic cream sauce
B. Guacamole
C. Cheese
2) Grilled onions
3) Corn
4) Pasta with the balsamic cream sauce

If you just sighed in agony for me, bless you.

In other news, we are off to Denton, TX. We spent one of our first nights as a couple there, and we are headed back to watch two other love birds tie the knot. I can't wait to see a wedding from the other side. I'll be updating you all as I sink my teeth into the cotton candy of Texas- brisket!!

Until then, the daily pour was far from red... Gin and tonics were flowing tonight!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

And now it's gone...

When you wake up on the morning of payday, you assume it is going to be a feel good day. Never have I been more wrong.

My 2001 Volvo S40 hit a point where there are nothing but problems. Externally, internally....just 'ternally in general. It is doing this thing where it just stalls out in the middle of turns...particularly intersections and parking spots- and no, it is not a manual. So after a few visits to the dealer and no help at all, we took it to a Volvo Specialist. So after spending almost 500 bones to fix the "heart of the problem," it stalled out on my drive back home....not once, not twice, but three times.

So this morning we took it back...which is why I am currently at home blogging.

After dropping off the car, we then proceeded to the DMV for a title transfer and a new tag. My parents recently gave me my car that had been in there name for my birthday. With a few signatures and a swipe...we are $490 dollars poorer. Happy Birthday. Who knew a tag (not the FSU tag that I wanted) would cost $287.

To boot,  we paid rent yesterday.

And now it's gone.....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Toast For the Pot Roast

So I had the chance to cook dinner tonight. Awesome...and at that, the ultimate comfort food: Pot Roast.

Who doesn't feel like they are in their mom's kitchen when the smell of pot roast wafts through the air?

We had a chuck roast that we had wanted to cook for a while, so I put on my "never been used because I haven't had time to cook apron" and opened up (my husband's go-to). I deviated a little, but this is what I ended up with:

In the pot:
- 7 carrots (Still not enough! Love those things)
- 3 medium red potatoes
- 1 large onion
- Half carton of mushrooms
- Chuck roast

Poured on top:
- Cream of mushroom soup
- 1 cup of water
- Onion flakes
- Half a packet of beef stew seasonings

Delicious! It was refreshing to be able to have the smell of a home cooked meal lingering in the air as my husband came home. That has NEVER happened...a day of firsts, my friends.

As for the daily pour: Menage Trois Cabernet Savignon...A birthday present from a fabulous sorority sister, Cheers!

Just so you know..

I did love my job.  I just needed a little more "we" time.

I was surrounded by hilarious people and competition....basically a perfect work environment, right?

I'm a little anxious about my next venture, but who isn't nervous about change?

I even faced some change today....I woke up at 8 am (that is sleeping in!), blogged...quite a change, took the dog for a walk midday, I AM COOKING DINNER, and doing laundry....I am confused, this may be a Sunday.

I am changing my to-do list to a to-done list...

Work, Wine, and Wed

These three things seem to sum up my life recently.

One, I have been working over 12 hours a day in the staffing industry. If you have ever known a recruiter, you know that there is no such thing as a work/life balance. Like we say "staffing aint easy."

After a kiss at the door from my husband and my beautiful black lab puppy, I reach for a glass. Typically I reach for the red- anything that is buy one get one at Winn Dixie and take a deep breath. Ironically, I call it detoxing.

It seems like the leftovers go to my husband. Not food- but leftover energy...leftover me. Which brings me to my next venture in life. I left my commission structured job, for a straight salary and shorter hours. On the day that I gave my two weeks, I was told to pack my things and go....with a paid 2 week vaca. Cheers!

Hence, why I now have time to blog....and here we go.