Wednesday, April 27, 2011

W(h)ine Not?

Sometimes a girl needs to whine....or wine. They're really interchangeable if you know my friends (or women, for that matter).

I started my new job last week and my head has been reeling from all the new information. All my life, I have always had an aversion to anything medical..and where do I end up? Working at a hospital. We are talking about the girl who had the urge to turn down the job when she found out that I had to receive shots (and not the kind that come with a salted rim) to work there. MULTIPLE. Luckily, a little call to my pediatrician, and all I had to do was get a simple TB test. Relief...but I swear I'll faint if I'm ever in the ER at the wrong time

I love the job. I have my own office, I get along with the people, and I know that who I recruit will be bettering the qualify of life for so many people. I just don't quite get it yet....

Just when I thought my head was packed, David is studying for finals. 3 in one day, 2 in the other. We have learned enough to fill a a Danielle Steel novel ...well, hopefully we learned more than that.

So needless to say, I needed to blow off some steam. I needed to w(h)ine. That's what good friends are for. Good friends have a 6th sense that gives them the need to w(h)ine at the same time. So half a round of brie, half a carton of hummus, an entire plate of caprese salad, and a bottle of wine've got yourself a successful catharsis.

So moral of the story is, bottoms up ladies! W(h)ine not?

1 comment:

  1. Love this Jenny J...too cute!

    I whole-heartedly agree - w(h)ining is pretty much the only thing getting me through finals.
