Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Toe-tally Busted..

So we were having a great weekend of nothing. You know those weekends? They come few and far between as your are in your mid-twenties because everyone is fighting for time. Whether it is weddings, wedding showers, happy hours, family reunions, family obligations...the list goes on and on...and fills the calendar one weekend after another. Did I mention weddings?

So like I was saying, we had a fantastic weekend of nothing planned. In order to maximize the nothing-ness, we decided to join our friends my the pool and drink a few something-somethings while doing absolutely nothing. I am not one to indulge recently, as previous posts have warned...and I am TRYING to abide by, but yes I was on my 2nd (maybe 3rd beverage) lying in the sun while "the boys" swam. David had insisted we bring the dog because it would "be good for him" and he needs to be socialized.

Well socialize, he did. Gatsby was "socializing" with the other dog at the pool when I felt the need to bring attention to my intrusive canine. I proceeded to do an impression of the dog that Gatsby was "admiring" by backing up on the chair ( and for you dirty minds out there, it was an appropriate motion..yet hard to describe) resulting in the chair crashing down on top on me...and me crashing down on my toe.

All is fun and games until someone gets hurt. I had to be that party-pooper that made everyone go into medic-mode and fetch band aids, Bactene (OUCH), and (yes, I am a little kid) ice cream.

Needless, or maybe needed, to say, I am now limited to peep-toe shoes because of the packing tape around my toe (thankfully, to the nurse in employee health).  I don't need to describe my toe, but let's just say it isn't pretty.

The sad part about the whole situation was not the pain I was in, or the fact that I was injured at all. I was most concerned that my toenail was "gross looking" and that everyone was staring at my body crouched over in a bathing suit...such a girl thought process. Just the thought of the peripheral view has given me painful flashbacks...

And around 7:30 am Monday morning, the question was (from the COO and CNO), "What happened to your toe?"
Response:  "(Insert vague comment for a graceful exit)"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Let Them Eat Cake...

Lately, life has skipped the lemons and has gone straight to handing me a pitcher of lemonade. Or in this situation rather, cake. Who could possibly complain about having so many fantastic things to celebrate, right?


So to start out, it was my birthday (cake). Then I got the new job (cookies & brownies). Then I started the new job (cake, cake, and more cake...the healthcare world really likes cake apparently). David finished his last semester of his AA (pie). Then a friend had a birthday (cupcake and yes, cake). Any apparently the first Friday of every month our department buys treats (cupcakes).

Now my take on this gluttonous behavior has many different angles, and probably to the point of being semi- bipolar. One, cake is a youthful simple of joy and celebration...why not enjoy a sweet memento of your own success? On the other side, I am kind of getting sick of eating cake....But then again, I CAN'T NOT EAT IT! It's like a dang car crash, you just can't stop turning your head. Well, my head keeps turning toward the cake table, and no amount of nutritional information can divert the eye. 

Lastly though, I wouldn't wish NOT eating cake upon anyone. And when I say that, I don't even mean literally eating cake. I mean, why would anyone ever skip out on the opportunity for a celebration? People ask me why I always order champagne when we go for a wine night. Or why David buys me cases of champagne splits instead of beer. My answer is always the same: It's my mini celebration!

The little celebrations are what make life worth living (or make the lemons worth squeezing). I got that from my mother. She believed in celebrating everything...and I have to say that it is the thing that has most made me who I am. So, in honor of Mother's Day, I will celebrate the fact that my mom taught me to enjoy the little victories...probably with some cake.